Home Learning

Effective homework

A good, well-managed homework programme helps children and young people to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful lifelong learning. Homework also supports the development of independent learning skills and provides parents with an opportunity to take part in their children's education.

Regular homework is important as it gives pupils the opportunity to practice at home the tasks covered in class, and helps the pupils work towards improving important skills. It also helps children and young people to become confident and independent in their learning, which will help throughout their time at school and in adult life. The emphasis is on following up work done in class, consolidating learning, developing new knowledge and completing examination projects/coursework.

A checklist of good practice

  • There is a clear policy statement, developed in consultation with the pupils, staff, parents and governors, and this is reviewed on a regular basis;
  • Staff and pupils regard homework as an integral part of the curriculum - it is planned and prepared alongside all other programmes of learning;
  • The foundations of effective homework practices are established early on and develop progressively;
  • Homework is set and managed effectively and contributes to the challenge of raising attainment;
  • Homework tasks are differentiated and are appropriate to the needs of individuals;
  • The support of parents and carers is seen as essential. They assist in many ways, for example, establishing a routine for home learning, helping their children at home, monitoring homework, providing encouragement, and even assisting with the marking of homework;
  • Effective homework strategies support a range of settings in which pupils learn, for example, through parental support and guidance, joint family learning tasks, to independent learning;
  • Homework is marked according to the assessment recording and reporting policy;
  • The quality of completed homework is monitored and reviewed at regular periods in consultation with pupils and parents;
  • Homework completed well is acknowledged and praised; and Innovative homework practices that reflect developments within education and the range of learning styles, for example, the use of ICT.

Recommended time for homework

The Governors have recommended that the time spent on homework or GCSE coursework should fall as follows:

  • Years 7 and 8 - 3.5 hours weekly
  • Year 9 - 5 hours weekly
  • Years 10 and 11 -7.5 hours weekly

Monitoring and tracking home learning

The monitoring and tracking of home learning is made possible through individual teacher records and SIMS. Using the merit system teachers are able to reward students for producing high quality homework. For those students who fail to complete their tasks on time, this should be recorded on SIMS as an Effort log.

Parents receive a termly booklet detailing all of the homework tasks which will be set for each subject during the term. Homework will be recorded in the student planner which parents sign each week.

Rewarding Students

Rewarding students is possible through the merit system and for outstanding work using Principal's commendations.

Additional Study and Resources

A staffed homework club runs from 3-4pm every day after school for students to gain extra support, have access to ICT facilities or simply have a quiet space to complete work.

Useful sites for extra resources and revision:



Key Information

Key Information



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